Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Improve Your App Odds
Posted by Jeff Campbell in "Apple Software (iPhone/iPod Touch)" @ 12:00 PM
"As of July 11th, the iPhone/iPod touch App Store housed 56,081 different apps according to Jeff Scott of 148apps.com. Taking a quick look, I found over 400 different fart apps. This alone is pretty scary and would lead me to believe that any app that might be either useful or funny, or even totally pointless, has so many variations that without knowing an app name, searching for something that interests me would soon become a Herculean task."
I have to say, I agree that the search function in the App Store isn't the greatest, and I often get a long list of apps when searching for just that perfect app. Not exactly easy to run through them all either to see if they suit my needs. The five websites they refer to are freeappalert.com, Appshopper.com, 148apps.com, Iviewer.com and Macworld's App Guide. They are good resources, and I especially like 148apps.com since they go through free and paid apps, and have a games section, but I'm sure you can get something from each of these sites!