Monday, February 2, 2009
What's on Your Menu Bar?
Posted by Vincent Ferrari in "Apple Software (OS X)" @ 10:00 AM
Every computer user, Mac or Windows, has a certain amount of stuff in their menu bar or tray that makes them cringe when they see it all. Mine is shown above with each icon explained below (from left to right):
Mailplane: My G-Mail client.
Dropbox: Essential file syncing utility.
Skitch: Best screen capture util on earth.
QuickSilver: If you aren't at least using it to watch apps, you're really missing out.
TextExpander: I mainly use it to fill in my bio on feature articles here!
Drobo Dashboard: Health status of my Drobo.
Evernote: Note and file syncing.
Logmein: I don't know why I have this installed on my MBP since I'm rarely without it, but so be it.
iSync: The only thing I really use MobileMe for.
SoundSource: Let's me set my recording inputs and outputs really easily.
Displays: Just the Displays System Preference.
Time Machine: Wouldn't have a Mac without it. Time Machine goes straight to my Drobo.
Bluetooth: Connects up my keyboard and Mighty Mouse
Airport: WiFi Status
Sound Volume: Obvious.
Clock: More obvious.
Spotlight: Yep, I use the hell out of it. I don't know why people hate it so much.
Okay. Now it's your turn. Get into the discussion and share your cluttered overfilled overextended menu bar with the rest of us. Maybe we'll all learn about some great new app or utility from you!