Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It Really is Mostly About the Software
Posted by Jeff Campbell in "Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad" @ 09:30 AM
"Dying to compete with iPad, rivals are drumming up speeds and feeds in the absence of quality software. Unfortunately for them, the game is software, not hardware. Blogger Justin Williams took time to sort through Android Market and count apps that are featured for Android slates."
Compare the 20 or so apps the author found that met his criteria (specifically written in Android 3.0 or written specifically for the tablet platform) to the over 65,000 that Apple has in their App Store and you can see the advantage does go to Apple. I've seen the Xoom and I do like it's form factor, but when it gets right down to it I have to agree: the apps are where it's at, especially when you consider games such as this one. So even though Dell and HP are throwing down the "Apple's not all that" comments, and Microsoft sounds like they are throwing in the towel when it comes to the tablet market, I still think Apple is in the driver's seat when it comes to the tablet market. What are your thoughts?